Phishing or suspicious emails, texts or calls claiming to be from Pocket FM

If you get an email, text or phone call claiming to be from Pocket FM, asking for your Pocket FM account details or payment method (unless it relates to a ticketed complaint made by you) it probably didn't come from Pocket FM. Below are some tips for dealing with suspicious emails, texts and phone calls.

How to tell if an email, text or phone call is actually from Pocket FM?

  1. We’ll never ask you to share your personal information in a text, email or phone call. This includes:
    • Credit or debit card details
    • Bank account details
    • Account passwords
  2. We'll never ask for payment through a 3rd party vendor, website or application.
  3. We’ll never contact and ask you to do any payment transaction on the app or install any remote access software such as Team-viewer, Anydesk etc.
  4. If the text, email or phone call links or directs you to a URL that you don't recognize, don't tap or click it. If you did already, do not enter any information on the website that opened.
  5. Our customer support can only be reached via the app or email. Please do not engage with phone numbers that claim to be from our support team.

What should I do if I get a suspicious email, text or phone call?

Scammers can’t get information from you unless you give it to them. So don’t click any links in the messages or reply to them. Do not follow any instructions or directions given to you in a suspicious email, text or phone call.

What if I already clicked a link or shared personal information?

  1. Change your Pocket FM password to a new one that is strong and unique to your Pocket FM account.
  2. Update your password on any other websites or apps where you used the same email and password combination.
  3. Contact your financial institution if you entered any payment information, as it may have been compromised.

What are the best ways to keep my information safe?

  1. Be careful anytime you get an email, text or phone call requesting personal information.
  2. Don't click a link or download any application if you're not sure about it; go directly to the Pocket FM website or mobile application instead.
  3. Never send personal or financially sensitive information through email.
  4. Check the sender’s address to see if it looks legitimate.
  5. On a computer browser, hover over any links before clicking on them to see the URL. Make sure the links go where you expect them to.
  6. Install anti-virus software to help guard your devices and personal information.

Please contact us at if you think you received a suspicious email, text or phone call or if your email was changed without your permission so we can help you change it back.